Get Your First Look at the ‘Mulan’ Live Action Film


After the announcement of Disneys most recent live-action film remake, production on the new Mulan live-action film has finally commenced production and filming.

In order to promote their recently started production, Disney has officially released their first-ever look at the actress who will be playing strong-willed warrior Mulan in her full warrior attire. Liu Yifei was the actress that was selected to play Mulan from the 1,000 candidate pool of other actresses.

However, this movie adaptation has taken a bit of a different route than the original Mulan animation film that we all know and have come to love. It seems that there will not be anyone standing in the role of Mulan’s comedic mini-dragon sidekick Mushu, or her love interest and warrior soldier commander Li Shang. Safe to say that this could drastically alter the film’s storyline in a big way, but hopefully it doesn’t affect the box office too much.

For now check out the first photo of your live action Mulan as you wait for the film’s release on March 27th, of the year 2020.

Disney on Twitter

Production has begun on live-action #Mulan!