Find out Zoe Kravitz’s Favorite Iconic Catwoman

Andrea Raffin/ Shutterstock

Zoe Kravitz is prepared to put her stamp on the iconic character of Catwoman without forgetting the talented leading ladies who played her before.

During a press junket for her new Hulu series High Fidelity, the actor said that in preparation for her role in The Batman, she drew inspiration for the character of Catwoman in all of her various incarnations. One actress’s interpretation of the role in particular greatly impacted her impression of the famous femme fatale.

“I think Catwoman is an iconic character,” she said. “I was never into a lot of comic books, but that world was always really intriguing to me. And then of course Michelle Pfeiffer — her performance has always been super inspiring to me. It just felt iconic.”

Kravitz also spoke about the character’s “strong femininity,” a trait that she feels rivals the power of Batman himself.

“That’s something that’s really interesting about Batman and Catwoman. I think Batman represents a very kind of masculine power, and Catwoman represents very feminine power — slightly more complicated, and softer, too,” she said. “I like the idea that you can be soft, you can be gentle and still be very powerful and still be very dangerous.”

Kravitz is clearly excited to dive into the role, with the utmost reverence for a character many Batman fans hold dear. You can see Kravitz’s portrayal opposite Robert Pattinson when The Batman opens in theaters June 25, 2021.