Justin Timberlake Makes a Public Apology to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson

Andrea Raffin / Shutterstock

Justin Timberlake made a public statement to social media apologizing to singers Britney Spears and Janet Jackson.

Justin Timberlake took to social media on February 12 to write a long overdue apology to Britney Spears and Janet Jackson. Timberlake has gone through some “missteps” in the past with the two singers, which fans have been sure to call out.

The recent documentary, Framing Britney Spears covered the singer’s ongoing legal battle over her conservatorship with her father. Timberlake was addressed in the documentary as taking part in affecting Spears’ mental health in a negative way when they dated back in 2002.

In addition to Spears, Timberlake’s apology was also addressed to Jackson, who performed at the 2004 Superbowl. When Timberlake tugged on her outfit during her performance it led to a wardrobe malfunction in which Jackson’s breasts were exposed in front of a live audience of 140 million viewers. 

Timberlake posted to his Instagram on February 12 stating, “I’ve seen the messages, tags, comments and concerns and I want to respond,” he continued. “I am deeply sorry for the times in my life where my actions contributed to the problem, where I spoke out of turn, or did not speak up for what was right.” He then added, “I know this apology is a first step and doesn’t absolve the past. I want to take accountability for my missteps in all of this as well as be part of a world that uplifts and supports.” 

Timberlake’s apology did not address specific examples, but acknowledged he contributed to “a system that condones misogyny and racism.” Which he apparently has deep regrets towards.

Even after the apology, fans have been upset towards Timberlake and they took to Twitter to express their thoughts about the situations that took place.

Timberlake has addressed the situation for the first time but fans are wanting more before forgiveness.

These issues should not have occurred in the first place and we hope that Timberlake takes his actions seriously and lives by his apology.