Demi Lovato Opens up About Her Queer Sexuality

Demi Lovato opens up to Glamour about her sexuality and how she is beginning to embrace being queer while rejecting the heteronormative box.

Demi Lovato opens up to Glamour about her sexuality and how she is beginning to embrace being queer while rejecting the heteronormative box.

Lovato uses her hair for self-expression and thinks of it as a symbol. Back in November, she got a pixie cut and later dyed it pink in January. Lovato opened up to Glamour in a recent interview saying eventually, she hopes to shave her head. This haircut acts as a stepping stone to break away from the heteronormative constructs. Throughout her life, these barriers have confided her.

The singer is currently taking her time on the journey of exploring her queer side. As she opened up with Glamour, Lovato shared that when her engagement did not work out, she took it as a sign. She felt a sense of relief and felt like she was able to live her truth. Currently, Lovato does not think she is a good fit with a cis man and continues casual dating.

“I hooked up with a girl and was like, ‘I like this a lot more.’ It felt better. It felt right,” Lovato said. “Some of the guys I was hanging out with—when it would come time to be sexual or intimate, I would have this kind of visceral reaction. Like, ‘I just don’t want to put my mouth there.’ It wasn’t even based on the person it was with. I just found myself really appreciating the friendships of those people more than the romance, and I didn’t want the romance from anybody of the opposite sex.”

As a child star, Lovato has always been told the “right way.” Now, as she reclaims her life, she is doing things “Demi’s way.” You can read Glamour’s entire March cover story here and keep up with Lovato on her journey of self-expression here.