The CW Airs a New Episode of the Fantasy Drama Series ‘Charmed’
On April 18, a new episode of Charmed titled “Bruja-Ha,” aired on The CW Network. The latest episode follows three sisters Macy Vaughn (Madeleine Mantock), Mel Vera (Melonie Diaz), and Maggie Vera (Sarah Jeffery), who are fighting exhaustion as magical beings fall down from the sky and doppelgängers try to feed off of their fear. Currently, the American fantasy drama series is on the tenth episode of the third season.
Charmed is a series about a powerful trio of sister witches, that are chosen to save innocent lives from magical beings that attempt to destroy the world.
Aint no one messing with this witch clique 🔮💜 #Charmed
— ᴊᴇʟᴀ➴ (@jelevision) April 19, 2021
In the tenth episode, each witch is struggling to solve their own mission in the magical realm and on earth. Maggie, a psychology student, battles a doppelgänger that feeds off of her doubt and fear. Along with the physical stress of battling the magical creature, Maggie also has to tend to her earthly duties that consist of a psychology test and paper.
I cannot WAIT for Josefina to get her active power and SHAKE THE FOUNDATION of the magical world! She’s already making waves and taking names and I am so ready! #Charmed
— Chryschan (@ChryschanJ) April 19, 2021
— grace pierce 🔥😈 (@abigaelcaines) April 19, 2021
Joséfina Reyes (Mareya Salazar), a newly introduced character, helped Mel use Bruja’s Ladder, which is a magic rope. Later in the episode, Mel shows Joséfina The Book of Shadows she has been creating with a page dedicated to the Bruja’s Ladder.
— jenn || superstore s3 (@vaughnvitals) April 19, 2021
Harry Greenwood (Rupert Evans), the guide of the three witches, loses his powers in this episode and becomes mortal. Eventually, he regained his powers and kissed Macy. Many fans took to social media to share their excitement.
At the end of the tenth episode, Mel gives Maggie a pep talk about the struggles women have to fight every day. Mel stated, “As women, we feel the need to handle everything ourselves.” Mel confidently continued, “But the most powerful thing we can do is ask for help.”
We won’t back until Fri 5/7 😭 but we’ll be moving to Fridays now at 8pm EST / 5pm PST 🙌👏🙌 Please join us then for the premiere of Ep. 311 #Charmed #CharmedCW
— Charmed Writers (@CharmedWriters) April 19, 2021
If you missed the recent episode, you can stream it for free on The CW’s website. In the future, Charmed will air on The CW on May 7 at 8 p.m. EST.
Writer | Find me on Twitter @Fontalvokayla