Denis Makarenko


Selena Gomez Jumpstarts New Mental Health Platform ‘Wondermind’

Selena Gomez is in the process of launching a platform for mental health called, "Wondermind." Gomez, her mother, Mandy Teefy, and Newsette co-founder Daniella Pierson teamed up to create an "inclusive, fun, and easy place where people could come together to explore, discuss, and navigate their feelings."
Global Citizen/ CBS

Selena Gomez is in the process of launching a platform for mental health called “Wondermind.” Gomez, her mother, Mandy Teefy, and Newsette co-founder Daniella Pierson teamed up to create an “inclusive, fun, and easy place where people could come together to explore, discuss, and navigate their feelings.”

Wondermind was first announced in November. The platform will be a multi-media outlet where it will supply content, tools, and exercises in order to help guide people through their mental health. Pierson claimed that the outlet is “vetted by an expert committee of the world’s best psychiatrists, therapists, and social workers with incredibly diverse backgrounds.” The platform is dedicated to helping people with and without mental illness. However, the platform isn’t a replacement for therapy. 

“If you work on your body and your physical health, and that’s so important, why isn’t your mental health just as important?” Pierson told Good Morning America. “You have to do the work in between — any good therapist will tell you the same thing. We are creating an ecosystem where people feel like in between therapy sessions if they’re lucky enough to see a therapist, they can work on their mental fitness.”

Pierson continued, “But we’re also creating these resources and amplifying these incredible professionals that do charge thousands of dollars an hour, and being able to bring their information to the masses — to the people who can’t afford that — so that’s really the democratizing part.”

All three women have battled with their mental health. In 2020, Gomez was diagnosed with bipolar and anxiety. Teefy was originally diagnosed with bipolar but was later revealed she actually was misdiagnosed, having ADHD instead. Pierson was diagnosed with OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) at twenty-one and hid it for years. There are plenty of ways they all cope with their mental health. 

“I see a therapist, and I actually have tons of books and little cards,” Gomez explained. I have tons of workbooks, like a nerd, but I love DBT, so dialectical behavior therapy is something I’m really passionate about. I have notebooks that kind of help me do that. I write music, I try to take what’s going on and turn it into something beautiful in the best way that I can.”

Another method the “Rare” singer does is staying off of social media. She hasn’t been very active on social media for over four years. Since then, her mental health has drastically changed for the better. There is no set date when Wondermind will launch. In the meantime, fans can follow Wondermind’s Instagram account for updates.