Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.


The Flash Vanished in a Crisis 10 Years Ago

Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.

The first episode of the CW series, The Flash introduces a newspaper article with the headline, “FLASH MISSING VANISHES IN CRISIS” dated April 25, 2024.

Embodied by Grant Gustin for all nine seasons, Barry Allen, also known as The Flash, works as a forensic scientist at his local police station. However, he is far from ordinary, as his incredible speed allows him to break time barriers. Moreover, Grant Gustin’s portrayal of Barry Allen has been well-received since the show’s debut in 2014. Gustin earned popularity among both DC Comics fans and casual viewers. 

At the end of the pilot episode, it was revealed that S.T.A.R. Labs founder Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) was faking his need for a wheelchair. It was later revealed that Wells had a secret room with technology that knew the future. This hinted at the show’s complex, time-bending plot. The Flash was set to occur 10 years in the future, aligning with the real-life timeline of the series airing.

This significant storyline hinted at a major event in Barry Allen’s future. Unfortunately, the series did not close this plot line due to its cancelation in 2023 after season nine.

Additionally, throughout the nine seasons of The Flash, the predictions for the series were significantly altered. Due to time travel, The Flash underwent numerous timelines, including the Arrowverse adaptation of Crisis on Infinite Earths, a five-episode crossover series. The cross-over event included CW heroes, such as The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, and Batwoman.

In continuation, the series does not depict The Flash vanishing in a crisis on April 25, 2024, as initially teased. Instead, fans have noticed that The Flash vanished during a different crisis in 2019, A different year than originally anticipated.

To commemorate the ten-year disappearance of The Flash, you can catch up on episodes of the series on Netflix.